Hickory Tree School is a private, non-sectarian school. The preschool and elementary school divisions offer an academically-based program geared specifically for each stage of growth. Our qualified and experienced teaching staff provides the personal care and support needed to enhance emotional development.
Hickory Tree School has a group of teachers, selected for their education, experience and ability. In addition to being academically, California-state qualified, our staff has sensitivity and understanding, to provide a comfortable atmosphere for a child's first learning experience.
School Objectives
Our school program provides:
...a nurturing environment which stimulates a child's natural interest and curiosity.
...positive successful experiences which foster a healthy self-image.
...an atmosphere of freedom and flexibility where each child can choose, experiment, explore and initiate discoveries.
Our Program is based upon beliefs that:
1. The development of each child's healthy self-image is essential, and is fostered by positive successful experiences.
2. The child is to explore within a structured curriculum.
3. The child is (so far as possible) immediately informed of the consequences of his/her actions.
4. The child is encouraged to make interrelated discoveries about his/her physical, cultural, and social world.
5. Activities are self-rewarding (not dependent upon external reward or punishment).
6. The child participates in learning activities within a nurturing environment which stimulates a child's natural interest and curiosity.
7. Teacher planning will accommodate learning by discovery.
8. The areas of skill development observed and planned for are:
1. Social Skills
2. Emotional Skills
3. Self Care Skills
4. Fine Motor Skills
5. Gross Motor Skills
6. Visual Perception Skills
7. Auditory Skills
8. Communicative Skills
9. Cognitive Skills
10. Conservation Skills