2-3.5 year olds
3-4 year olds
The kindergarteners at Hickory Tree School are all bright and eager to learn new things in our world. Our advanced program provides a well-rounded curriculum that keeps students motivated and interested in what they are learning.
Social and Emotional Development
Our focus for our kindergarten students is to build self-esteem and development of independent learning. We teach and model good manners and courteous behavior for respect and value of themselves and others.
Spelling is key to the facilitation of written communication; learning to spell independently through phonological awareness and phonics helps students achieve greater proficiency and confidence.
Reading comprehension and interpretive age-appropriate books and stories help students identify setting, character, and main ideas within the story. Continued learning in alphabetic sounds and correct story sequencing along with differentiation between fiction and non-fictional events allows a student to conceptualize larger world and social ideas and events.
Introduction of parts of speech, punctuation such as periods and question marks helps students organize ideas for writing sentences and responding to oral communication. Listening to changes in beginning, middle and end sounds of words helps with expansion in vocabulary.
Kindergarten children take pride in learning to count objects and place value on quantity of objects or things. Learning ordinal numbers and counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100 builds grouping concepts and expanse ability to include problem solving situations and concepts of time, money and measurement.
A well-rounded program of science, social studies, music, and art is also offered
1st Grade
Our advanced first grade program provides a well-rounded curriculum that challenges and motivates students.
Focus Skills for this grade are:
Social and Emotional Development
- Build self-esteem
- Respect others and value them
- Use good manners and be courteous
- Encourage to share and take turns
- Enhance communication skills
- Develop independent learning
- Building Sentences
- Parts of Speech
- Alphabetizing
- Improve writing skills
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Enjoy reading
- Vocabulary
- Target reading skills
- Text comprehension
- Recognizing types of literature
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
Physical Fitness
- Spelling and meaning
- Spelling in context
- Dictionary skills
- Place Value: Whole Numbers & Decimals
- Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals
- Division
- Data, Graphs, and Probability
- Geometry
- Fraction Concepts and Operations
- Exploration of instrumental sound development
- Correlation of rhythm and musical tones
- Reading music
2nd Grade

Hickory Tree School second graders are presented with activities that foster building literacy, number sense, science and geography.
Areas of focus for this grade:
- Building Sentences
- Parts of Speech
- Use Reference Sources
- Descriptive
- Narrative
- Explanatory
- Persuasive
- Phonemic Awareness
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Target Reading Skills
- Text Comprehension
- Recognizing Types of Literature
- Spelling in Context
- Dictionary Skills
Science & Health
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
Social Studies
- Depending on others
- Knowing your family
- Living in our country
- People who have made a difference
- Themed Projects
- Scissor Skills
Physical Fitness
- Place Value and Money
- Adding and Subtracting Number Sense
- Multiplication and Division Concepts and Facts
- Time, Data, and Graphs
- Fractions and Measurement
- Decimals
Music Appreciation
- Listen and differentiation of music genres
3rd Grade
The third graders at Hickory Tree School are all bright and eager to learn new things in our world. Our advanced program provides a well-rounded curriculum that keeps students motivated and interested in what they are learning.
Focus areas of achievement for this grade:
- Building Sentences
- Parts of Speech
- Use Reference Sources
- Descriptive
- Narrative
- Persuasive
- Phonemic Awareness
- Vocabulary
- Target Reading Skills
- Text Comprehension
- Recognizing Types of Literature
- Spelling and Meaning
- Spelling in Context
- Dictionary Skills
- Place Value and Money
- Adding and Subtracting Whole Number s and Money
- Multiplication and Division Concepts and Facts
- Multiplying Two Digit Numbers
- Time, Data, and Graphs
- Geometry and Measurement
- Fraction Concepts and Operations
Science & Health
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
Social studies
- The land and the first Americans
- Settling the land
- The land today
- Learn the elements of art
- Themed Projects
Physical Fitness
Music Appreciation
- Listen and Recognize Different
- Learn to read and write music
4th Grade
The fourth graders at Hickory Tree School are all bright and eager to learn new things in our world. Our advanced program provides a well-rounded curriculum that keeps students motivated and interested in what they are learning.
Focus academic areas for this grade:
- Building Sentences
- Parts of Speech
- Use Reference Sources
- Opinion Pieces
- Informative / Explanatory Texts
- Narratives
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Target Reading Skills
- Text Comprehension
- Recognizing Types of Literature
- Spelling and Meaning
- Spelling in Context
- Dictionary Skills
- Place Value: Whole Numbers and Decimals
- Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals
- Division
- Data, Graphs, and Probability
- Geometry
- Fraction Concepts and Operations
- Measurement
Science & Health
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
Social Studies
- Geography of the United States
- Americans History
- United States Government
- The Nation’s Economy
- Regions of the United States
- Elements of Art
- Themed Projects
Physical Fitness
Music Appreciation
- Listen and Recognize Different Genres of Music
- Learn and Write Music
5th Grade

The fifth graders at Hickory Tree School are all bright and eager to learn new things in our world. Our textbooks and teachers provide a well-rounded curriculum that keeps the students motivated and interested in what they are learning.
Grade areas of focus:
- Building Sentences
- Parts of Speech
- Using Reference Sources
- Opinion Pieces
- Informative / Explanatory Texts
- Narratives
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Target Reading Skills
- Text Comprehension
- Recognizing Types of Literature
- Spelling and Meaning
- Spelling in Context
- Dictionary Skills
- Numbers, Expressions, and Equations
- Decimals
- Number Theory and Fraction Concepts
- Adding and Subtracting Fractions
- Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
- Ratio, Rates, and Proportions
- Percent
- Integers and Rational Numbers
- Geometry
- Measurement
Science & Health
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Earth Science
Social Studies
- Our Market Economy
- The first Americans: Exploration, Settlements, Life in the Colonies, American Revolution
- Westward Expansion: Civil War and Reconstruction
- Elements of Art
- Themed Projects
Physical Fitness
Music Appreciation
- Listen and Recognize Different Genres of Music
- Learn to Read and Write Music
Extra Curricular
In addition to our classroom curriculum, optional extra-curricular activities are offered at our school. These classes are after our regular school hours and are taught by outside parties. Sessions range from 4-8 weeks. Payment and any other inquiries are fielded by each company.
These activities include:
Little Dragon's Karate
- Kindergarten and up
- 30 min weekly classes
- 4 weeks is $38
Webby Dance
- Preschool-Kindergarten
- 30 min weekly classes
- Monthly Tuition:$55
- Registration: $25
- Total amount:$80